Opportunities for Fellowship.
Join us as we grow in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit!
So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:15
Discipleship groups exist to help develop intentional and authentic Christian community wherein we can become better followers of Jesus Christ through fellowship, study, and prayer. This pattern helps us grow in our love for one another and in our love and understanding of God.
For more information, please email Fr. Andy Johnson.
Stephen Ministry.
The mission of this ministry is to support the Priests of our Parish in providing additional care givers for individuals who have experienced grief, hospitalization, terminal illness, unemployment, divorce, relocation, chronic illness or loneliness. Individuals involved in this ministry go through an extensive training program that prepares them to serve in this capacity.
For more information, contact Fr. Graham Marsh
Young Adults’ Gathering.
The Young Adults Gathering (or YAG) puts on numerous fun fellowship events throughout the year to encourage new and existing members of All Souls’ (and anyone else!) to meet. The group is geared towards adults in their 20’s, 30’s, and the young at heart!
For more information, contact Fr. Graham Marsh
Saint Anne’s Guild.
St. Anne’s is a fellowship Guild. We usually meet at 11:45 a.m. in the Parish Hall on the fourth Tuesday of the month (September, October, April and May). We have a speaker and a $7 luncheon is served by volunteer hostesses.
For more information, contact Becky Lawson
Brotherhood of St. Andrew.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew meets for Holy Communion, breakfast and Bible study. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew welcomes all men to join us in our fellowship. We meet once a month on the second Saturday from 8:30 am– 10:30 am.
For more information, contact Russell Crain or Ken Fay
Daughters of the King.
The Daughters of the King is a fellowship of Episcopal women who gather once a month for fellowship, study, and prayer. Additionally, they commit to bringing the prayer requests of parishioners and community members into their personal prayer lives.
For more information, contact Sally Westfall or Fr. Graham Marsh
Hospitality Committee.
The Hospitality Committee consists of women of the parish who give their time in cooking, organizing and serving at various receptions and events held at the church.
For more information, contact Libby Nelson
“By love serve one another.”
Galatians 5:13