Growing up into Christ.
There is never a moment when we stop growing in our faith and understanding of God. Classes are available for all ages such that “we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Col 1:28).
Nursery (infant through 3 yrs)
The Purple (infant) and Yellow (age 1-3) nursery rooms are available during Sunday morning services beginning at 7:50am. Following the 10am service, parents should pick up their children by 11:30am.
The Mother’s Room in the Undercroft is available during services for those who need to feed or change infants.
3 Year Old Class
Potty trained 3-year-olds meet in the Green Room of the Undercroft for the Gospel Project for Preschoolers. This is a wonderful transition from the nursery to more structured Christian formation. Following the class, the children will be taken to the “flex room” in the Undercroft to enjoy a snack.
Children staying through the 10am worship service will be guided to the Preschool chapel in the Undercroft and will rejoin their parents in the Church during the Offertory
Godly Play (Age 4—1st Grade)
Godly Play (Age 4 through 1st Grade) meets in the Green Room in the Undercroft at 9am on Sundays. Following the class, the children will be taken to the “flex room” in the Undercroft to enjoy a snack.
Children staying through the 10am worship service have children’s chapel in the Undercroft and will rejoin their parents in the Church during the Offertory.
2nd — 5th Grades
Gospel Project for Kids meets in part of the Flex Room in the Undercroft at 9am on Sundays. Following the class, the children will be taken to the main “flex room” in the Undercroft to enjoy a snack.
Children staying through the 10am worship service will have Primary chapel in the St. Mary Chapel and will rejoin their parents in the Church during the Offertory.
Youth Confirmation: 6th grade+
Youth Confirmation is a 9-month class that meets during the school year during the 9am hour beginning in September. Parents of students entering 6th grade or above who need to be confirmed should contact Fr. Johnson for more information.
ASYM: 7th —12th Grades
Formation for All Souls Youth meets at 9:00 on Sundays in the Kennedy Parlor. The students are currently going through the Gospel Project for Students curriculum.
THE WAY (Youth Group)
All Souls’ Youth Ministry “THE WAY” is a time of devotion, fellowship, prayer, and fun for 6th–12th graders. They meet each Wednesday at 6:15 pm for dinner and 6:45 for the program.
Rector’s Forum
The clergy or guest speakers present on a wide range of topics.
Sundays at 9:00 in the Parish Hall.
Gospel Project
The Gospel Project curriculum provides an overview of the entire Bible over a 3-year cycle. Join in at any time to learn more about how the entire Bible centers on Jesus Christ. Year 2 of the curriculum (2023-2024) covers the time of the prophets and the earthly life and ministry of Jesus Christ. This class meets in the Library on the main level of the church. Our children and youth are following the same curriculum at an age appropriate level.
Introduction to the Anglican Tradition
Every year from January to May, the clergy lead an introductory survey of the Anglican tradition designed specifically for newcomers to the Episcopal Church. The course covers Anglican history, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and Anglican spirituality. It serves as preparation for those seeking to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church.
Wednesday Bible Study
On Wednesdays at 11am, Father Yoder offers a weekly Bible study in the Parish Hall. We are currently studying Isaiah.
Women’s Bible Study
The Women’s Bible study meets in-person on Thursdays mornings (9:30–11:30).
“O Almighty and everlasting God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth, mercifully hear our prayers and grant unto this parish family of All Souls’ all things that are needful: Strengthen and confirm the faithful; visit and relieve the sick; bless and protect the children; turn and soften the wicked; arouse the careless; recover the fallen; restore the penitent; remove all hindrances to the advancement of thy truth; and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within thy holy Church, to the honor of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
— For the Parish.