Discipleship Groups: Intentional and Authentic Community
Joining a discipleship group is a great way to get connected to others who share your desire to follow Jesus. Each group typically consists of 8-12 people who meet together every two weeks and includes parishioners, friends, and neighbors. Following a pattern of fellowship, study, and prayer, discipleship groups help to develop intentional and authentic Christian community wherein we can become better disciples, growing in our love for God and one another.
When and where do groups meet?
Many groups meet in people’s homes around the city which helps to facilitate a natural and comfortable dynamic while other groups utilize rooms around the church. Groups meet at night, on weekends, or even during a weekday depending on the dynamic and needs of the group.
Who leads the discipleship groups?
Discipleship groups have facilitators who are trained to help guide the discussion of the curriculum and to help the group remain on a fairly consistent schedule. Other people in the group may take on other roles such as helping with communication or hosting the group.
What do the groups study? Is there homework?
The clergy help the group facilitators identify curriculum for use within the groups. These include Bible study guides with provided questions and video based teaching series. Most of the curricula chosen has little or no “homework” for the group members.
Want to join a group or be a facilitator?
Use the buttons below to let us know that you are interested in a group or that you would like to apply to be considered as a facilitator!